Jump Pike Jump Squat: Body weight workouts place your hands on the floor to be able to jump viewer pike and legs in the air. Do not worry if you can not go far on the floor at first (I'm here with you, man.) When your feet land on the floor workouts with body weight, push back into a squat, then jump in the air body weight workouts, with arms in the air. Repeat.
Body weight workouts
Lift Side Plank with Knee Tuck (alternate sides at each interval): Start in plank position on the side of the right hand and lower your hips toward the floor body weight workouts, and raise back side plank position.
Body weight crossfit workouts
Crunch your left knee to meet your left elbow. Repeat body weight workouts. During the next interval of 20 seconds of work, you will do the same in his left hand. Continue on the opposite side through 5 minutes body weight crossfit workouts.
Body weight workouts
Knee Tuck Roll, Back Row: start laying face up and make a crisis of the whole body weight workouts, lifting your chest and gnashing his knees so he can embrace workouts with body weight. Extend the back, down the back. They roll right by what is in your stomach and make a row of back, legs and chest lift on the floor while pulling your elbows back in a row body weight crossfit workouts. Back and turn right again so you're on your back. Repeat the sequence, just run to the left this time.
Workouts with body weight
Side Lunge jumps mid-Up (alternating legs each interval): Squat down on your right leg and extend your left leg to the left into a side slot body weight workouts. Bring the leg back, jump right and bring your left knee toward the chest up. The land back on the right leg and repeat. During the next interval of 20 seconds body weight crossfit workouts, it will do the same in the left leg.
Body weight crossfit workouts
Up-Down Together: Basically, it starts at a side table and arm at a time, to get into a regular position plank, then down into a side plank body weight workouts ... and so on. Remember to rotate the arm to carry with.
Skiers / High knees (alternating between the two exercises each interval): For skiers body weight workouts, that make you jump side by side both sides feet while sliding down the mountain (I cry section body weight crossfit workouts). For high knees is like running in place just select the knees to hit the hands body weight workouts. You will ski the first 20 seconds, knees high in the second interval of 20 seconds, and so on and so forth.
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