Before looking for an effective joint supplement, it is only fitting that you pay attention to your diet and fitness level first. Backed by scientific studies, exercise has been proven to improve joint and muscle function in healthy individuals.
However, the benefits of exercise aren’t limited to healthy individuals. People who suffer from arthritis can also expect positive results from working out.
Exercise Benefits for Arthritis Patients
Apart from positively impacting joint tissues, physical activity can also provide relief for pain and discomfort caused by joint disorders. According to a previous research, after performing weight exercises for 24 weeks, a group of individuals with rheumatoid arthritis experienced a 30 percent improved joint function and 120 percent improved strength.
Unfortunately, the prevailing belief is that exercise can worsen arthritis. In a 2011 study, over 40 percent of men and 56 percent of women suffering from arthritis were sedentary or did not engage in even a few minutes of physical activity. This is despite the fact that being inactive can lead to muscle weakness, joint contractures, and reduce your range of motion.
By combining exercise with a healthy diet, you’ll be able to get a great amount of benefits for your joint pain.
Important Workout Considerations for Arthritis Patients
When it comes to exercising with joint pain, people with arthritis need to remember certain considerations.
In arthritis patients, movement can cause bones to come into contract with each other because cartilage and the amount of synovial fluid decrease.
This then causes debilitating pain. But this shouldn’t stop you from exercising. Use this as a guide: if you feel this pain for longer than an hour after you’ve worked out, you should lower the intensity of your workout or switch to another activity.
Because your joints are more delicate, do not hesitate to use assistive devices. Working with a physical therapist or professional trainer can also help you determine which activities will not strain your condition but improve it. Ideally, your routine should comprise various exercises, including aerobics, high-intensity interval exercises, strength training, core exercises, and active stretching.
Warm-up is crucial when you exercise. If your joints are stiff, take time to stretch. Applying heat can be productive, too. On the other hand, you can ease swollen joints by applying ice 10 minutes before you work out.
Avoid being sedentary. Exercise can work as a joint support “supplement” for all types of people, including those who suffer from health conditions.
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