How To Lose Weight Quickly In 2 Simple Steps

If you have been searching for different weight loss methods via which you can lose weight quickly as well as smoothly, this article will be of great help for you. There is nothing to worry for because now you can lose weight, all you have to do is follow these simple steps.

OK, it is a simple 2 step weight loss plan that you can follow for the rest of your life. It is harmless and is very effective.


This is the most important step in the entire process. Although most of the famous and qualified weight loss experts do not consider this step to be of any importance but for me, you have to be very keen about this particular step.

You have to plan. Make small achievable goals and then connect these goals to make a larger plan and/or objective. Gather material and stuff to keep yourself motivated and upbeat for instance, keep success stories with you and read them whenever you feel stuck, stressed, helpless, de-motivated or hopeless.

Planning and your motivational spirit are very important. It is not enough to have this in your mind that you want to lose weight rather you have to write it down. Decide how much you want to lose every week, what steps will you follow, how you will reach there and so on.


This is the step where actual weight loss starts. Exercise is what you need to do. There is no other way. As soon as you realize that you are gaining weight, you have to join a gym right away. This must be your first step. There is no other option.

Do exercise 4 days a week for 20 minutes excluding warm-up time. Do high intensity workouts. You must burn as much calories as you can. Exercise has many benefits I mean if you think that it will only help you in burning your body fat, you are absolutely wrong because it has numerous benefits in fact more than what you can think of.

What you need to do if you do not have the time to go to gym or if you cannot go to gym or something? Well it is good to join a gym for several reasons and you must try your best, but in case if you cannot, then you can choose to do exercise at home, your backyard, you can walk, run, jog or can go for swimming. Or you can start playing any outdoor game where you can burn calories. So there are many options available for you.

It must be noted here that step-1 is a one-time step while step-2 is recurring in nature in fact you have to stick to step-2 for the rest of your life.

You can use African mango diet to boost metabolism process of your body but don't forget to read African mango reviews before using any such product.

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Lose Body Fat And Keep Your Muscles: 5 Important Things

Fat loss and weight loss are two different things. If you want to lose weight, it's a very simple formula. Calories you burn through physical activity, or what your body uses up, needs to be more than the calories you consume. But if you want to lose body fat, there are specific strategies which have been proven to help you work. There are some things you must learn to make fat loss a quicker and simpler process. In this article I have laid out five strategies you need to know in order for you to be successful in losing body fat.

Starvation doesn't help you lose body fat

To start things off, you must bust an age-old myth about dieting. Instead of starving yourself, you must start your day off with a protein rich breakfast. I high-protein diet will help you feel less hungry between meals, and protein is what your body basically runs on base. A couple of examples of foods that are high in protein are, chicken breasts, egg white, skim milk, Turkey. These examples are also low in saturated fat which I will explain more about below.

Saturated fats versus non-saturated fats

It wasn't too long ago, that nutritional facts labels were put on foods you buy in stores. These labels tell us what's in the foods we eat. The things we want to pay attention to when we are trying to burn fat are, protein, carbohydrates, fat breakdown(polyunsaturates, monounsaturates, saturated), and fiber.

Specifically it's important to look at the fats.

Saturated fats are less dense and stick to the walls of your arteries. They are the fats which are difficult to work off your body. So choosing foods with low saturated fat will help you to lose fat faster. Choosing more foods like I talked about above, and choosing complex carbohydrates (brown rice, sprouted whole wheat bread), which are higher in polyunsaturated, and monounsaturates fats will help you stay leaner.

Eat more often

Yes, you read that right. Eating more often tells your body it doesn't need to be in starvation mode, and it will give up the fat reserves more freely, so to speak. Of course these meals and snacks should be high in protein and low in saturated fats.

Boost your metabolism

One of the best tips I can give you for fat loss, is to raise your body metabolism. There are a few things you can do to boost your metabolism so your body will burn more calories throughout the day. One of the more natural ways to raise your metabolism is to eat a good breakfast. I'm repeating myself here to make you realize the importance of fueling your body the right way at the right times.

Natural caffeine or guarana found in green tea and some supplements are good for boosting metabolism, but you have to use them in moderation, because you don't want to feel irritated, or panicky. You just want to boost your metabolism.

While some supplements are a OK to use in your initial fat burning stage, (which is the hardest), like "Zentrex", there are others which should be avoided like, a Ephedrine. Getting results is important, but losing your health because you wanted fast results can make you regret taking the risk.

* One more important tip for a better metabolism. After you eat, drink hot tea or another hot beverage, as it helps your stomach digest your food better.

Special exercises

There are many different types of exercises, but there is only one type which is specifically designed to burn more fat off your body than any other form of exercise. The type are referring to is aerobic exercises. Don't let that word scare you, these aerobic routines can be real fun.

I think I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking treadmills, and cardio. That's not really what it's all about. The specialize aerobic exercises are designed for maximum fat burn. There are a whole bunch of diverse exercises that you'll need, so you'll be able to target each area. If you're like me, you'll likely want to follow a workout plan or video to give you some organized structure from a knowledgabe trainer. There are some really good workout programs available.

To lose body fat, it takes special exercises combined with a good diet plan. If you want results faster, there are fat loss programs which are proven to get results.

Everything you do takes you closer to OR away from your goal to lose body fat. "Turbulence Training is a proven way to melt fat fast, while protecting your hard-earned muscle.

I guarantee you that Turbulence Training will successfully guide you to the fat loss goal you desire. Read this review of Turbulence Training and take a 21 day trial. Click here

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3 Fab Fat Loss Tips

Fat loss! Many people have wracked their brains trying to find out the best ways to lose fat, as a Personal Trainer my research into fat loss has brought me many great strategies and nearly as many ridiculous strategies. I believe one of the reasons why many diets and dieters fail to reach their goals is by over complicating things, clearly there is a degree of intelligence needed to choose and follow the right fat loss strategy but you don't need to be a rocket scientist.

Fat loss is one of the largest issues in modern day health and fitness, when asked I would say most people in Britain would like to make changes to their weight whether it is weight loss, fat loss or weight gain. So to give you a little help I shall offer you my 3 Fab Fat Loss Strategies!!

1. There is no quick fix - On so many occasions have some of my clients or people I know come up to me and say 'I've tried everything and I just can't get the results' would my response be 'Well you just need to keep on trying until you find the right one' No! It would be more something along the lines of 'Have you tried everyone long enough and given the diet the proper chance to make improvements'.

I have experienced it myself along as 100% of the population, the feelings of I want it now! When many people start a diet they want to be losing 5 pounds every week, in many cases this will not be the case. This doesn't mean your diet is failing, you need to give each recommended (properly recommended, not something off an advert or the internet) nutrition strategy you try a proper chance and you should see some results.

2. Too much at once - Linked to the previous statement I mentioned about people wanting everything now many people alter too many things at once which makes it near impossible to find out what is working and what isn't. Changing your body image and health takes patience, motivation and time. If you are following your diet and it is not going the way you want it I wouldn't recommend you deciding you are now going to add 3 more cardio sessions, cut out weight sessions, increase your protein intake and start taking metabolic increasing supplements. How will you possibly know which new variable has helped?

If these changes are the ones you want to make to your program do them one at a time, see how they work and then decide whether to continue with the changes before adding another change.

Making long term nutritional changes is a marathon not a sprint, it won't happen overnight so give it enough time to make some life changing results.

3. The FOOD shop - Your weekly trip to Tescos or Asda can make or break how you are eating. Many people have temptations and guilty pleasures such as ice cream, chocolate, crisps etc. It is a lot easier to resist the temptation of a bar of dairy milk when it's on tescos shelf rather than sitting in your cupboard, basically if you know you shouldn't eat it, don't buy it!

I know that it can be harder not to purchase such items when you are shopping for the whole family but you have to think if you know they are no good for you, should you be buying it for your family? I'm not telling you that you should not buy ice cream, crisps, chips, chocolate etc on your food shop but maybe to start off with not buy as much, or go for the 'lighter choices' it all helps.

PS Don't go food shopping when you're starving, I've been there, everything bad looks irresistible and you are much more likely to be buying unhealthy things which you don't need.

So there we have it, 3 Fat Loss Strategies which will hopefully help you to stick to your diet a lot better and not get led astray by fancy diets promising unrealistic results.

Being a Personal Trainer I'm well aware of how difficult adhering to a diet can be so if you need any extra advice or have any questions I can help with don't hesitate to ask.

Keep up the great work.

Richard Clarke

Now you know some vital information which will hopefully help your exercise program and increase your chances of achieving your goals. I am an elite personal trainer, fitness business coach, published sports scientist and fitness professional from Swansea in South Wales. For more information from me on personal training, diet and nutrition, psychology, motivation, mindset and much more visit:
There are many easy to read helpful articles and information which can inspire you to reach your fitness and exercise goals FASTER!

Thanks for reading.

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4 Simple Tips On How To Lose Weight

Hey there, I hope you are well. Today I am going to show you how to lose weight. Weight loss comes down to one simple rule: Calories in versus calories out. This means if you burn more calories than you consume you will lose weight. Therefore you have to be eating a fairly low level of calories so that you can burn of more to actually lose weight.

To do this there are two main areas you need to concentrate on; these are your eating habits and exercise habits.

I haven't used the word diet as you do not need to go crazy here but you must keep a check on what you are eating. I used the words 'exercise habits' as this does not necessarily mean formal workouts, but can also mean getting as active as possible outside of the gym. So lets get stuck right into sorting out your eating habits.

How To Lose Weight - Eating Habits

The first thing you need to do is get your eating habits in order. You eat more frequently than you exercise and it is very easy to overeat. Therefore I will put some tips and guidelines below to help you.

1. Keep A Food Diary

Keeping a food diary is a great way to see what you are really eating. Be honest and record everything. Once you do this you can spot where you are going wrong and help do better the next time.

2. Eat Lean And Green

This is one of my favourite sayings. It basically means to eat as much lean meats such as chicken and turkey, while also eating lots of green vegetables. If you always eat lean and green you would be guaranteed to drop body fat fast.

3. Reduce Refined Carbohydrates

This ties in well with the previous guideline; you need to reduce the amount of refined carbs like rice, pasta, bread, cakes, buns etc. This can be hard to do for a lot of people, but it is one of the most effective ways of melting away body fat. I find replacing pasta and rice with vegetables is a great way to reduce your intake on these. There are many other tips like this you can do if you think about it, using your food diary will help spot these possible changes.

4. Find An Eating Plan That Works For You

As you are an individual with your own likes, time constraints and personal needs. You need to find what works best with you. There are many plans and systems around today that can help you eat properly, so have a look about and see what tickles your fancy.

How To Lose Weight - Exercise Habits

Once you get your eating habits sorted out, you will want to start exercising to burn of fat and shape yourself. 
This does not necessarily mean formal workouts in the gym all the time. There are plenty of ways to get active without going to the gym. Doing regular activities like playing sport with friends, go walking/biking with the family and other activities like this, are a great way to keep burning calories while having fun.

As well as fun activates you should also push for some formal training to really melt that fat of you. Proper workouts are great for elevating your metabolism which means you train your body to burn more calories while you rest. While also giving your body more shape and definition.

There are many fat burning workouts you will find around this website, so have a look around and see what looks good to you. If you want me to point you in the right direction you can check out this great link; Great fat burning workout

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Health Tips for a Healthier New Year That Are Easy to Follow

Health Tips for the New Year

As the New Year begins most people are thinking about what they can do to improve their health in 2013. Most people spend their time focusing on losing weight. Now what I am going to suggest may not be new to you. My point is to suggest we keep our New Year's health resolutions simple, by doing the things that are basic to living a healthy lifestyle before going off and spending lots of money on some new health fad.

Here are some health basics:

Water: drink plenty of clean pure water at least 8 glasses a day.

Nutrition: Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Stay clear of saturated fats and don't eat foods containing trans fats. Avoid prepared foods.

Exercise: Exercise regularly, but try to keep from over doing which may result in your quitting because it is too hard. Walking is a good exercise and so is deep breathing exercises and you don't need any special equipment. The idea is to get moving.

Rest: Try to get good night's sleep to refresh your body's strength and energy.

Now these are just some simple health tips and health information most of us know about but fail to do consistently. We start out in January with great enthusiasm but by March we are back to our old routines. The problem then is not knowledge of what do but the motivation to make our efforts become a welcomed habit.

Here are some tips that my help your motivation.

Goals- You must have a clear and measurable goal. Write it down post it where you can see it and tell others of your goal.

Support- a good support system helps especially when you have problems staying on track. Also be there for others with similar goals, by helping others attain their goals we can help ourselves.

Positive-: Part of the problem may be our self-conscious mind is sending us negative thoughts. Try positive affirmations repeated throughout the day. Change such words as can't to will and problem to opportunity, see

Picture: Picture yourself reaching your goal, what will you look like, how will you feel, what will your life be like as a result of having reached your goal, and what affect will this positive outcome have on improving your self-esteem?

Laugh: Have fun in your efforts to reach your goal being too serious may hinder your efforts.

Hope these tips are helpful. Have a Happy and Healthy New Year In my view this statement says it all:

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle

There are Five factors of Health: Environment, Heredity,Behavior,Nutrition, and Medical Care.. Each have a role to play if we are to achieve our optimal health. To long we have relied on medical care as our primary path to health. There is more to health than just medical care..To learn more about how these five factors can help you achieve a healthier lifestyle go to This website is not only a source of useful information but also contains products to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle..

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At Home Workout For Fat Loss - 3 Easy Steps to Work Out At Home Without the Excuses

If you have ever tried for any length of time to workout at home, you will know how challenging it can be. I mean, before you even get to the physical part of exercising, you must first overcome the mental blocks that come to mind. It doesn't matter whether you are a couch potato or a work out fanatic. Before you can successfully work out at home to lose weight or build muscle mass you have to be mentally strong.
Believe it or not, working out at a gym is easy. Think about it. Upon entering a gym, your senses are immediately shocked with a heavy dose of inspiration. Your eyes see gym equipment everywhere and people working out hard on them; your ears hear an upbeat song and the sounds of people grunting as they try to finish their last couple of sets; your nose smells the metal from the gym equipment and the sweat drenched towels in the laundry baskets; you then open your locker to change and the touch of your gym clothes, shoes and water bottle only help you to focus your mind on the upcoming workout. Naturally the combination of all these things automatically puts you in the mood or feeling of wanting to work out. This is why I say that working out in a gym is easy.
Coming back home though is an entirely different story. At home workouts for fat loss bring up the challenges of distractions. There is the phone, the computer, the television, family members, chores and other tasks which demand your attention. I have personally been strictly working out at home for 7 months now and I still go through these challenges every day. It seems to me that the mind only wants to partake in fun activities and because exercising can be painful, it will come up with the most creative excuses to divert you from working out. I will now share with you the 3 main tools you can use to overcome all the excuses which arise just as you are about to work out at home.
1) Make time on your daily schedule for working out. Be sure that it is the same time every day. This will help you to develop the habit of daily exercise.
2) Reserve space in your house only for working out. Decorate a space in your home just for working out. Make sure it has all the fixings. Gym equipment, music, towels, motivational pictures and mats. Make it look like a gym and It will feel like a gym.
3) Get an accountability partner. Tell a friend or family member to keep you accountable for staying committed to exercising at home. You can also workout with this partner which makes it more fun.
So you see, all the excuses you've had about working out at home will not cut it if you actually want to do this. At home workouts for losing weight can be very effective once you learn how to motivate your mind to exercise at home. Keep in mind the 3 tips mentioned above you will be an at home fitness star in no time. Enjoy!
Click here, for more effective strategies for weight loss.

Secrets To Fast Result: How To Reduce Waist Size

Pretty much everyone is struggling to find the best-kept secrets that will help them reach their desired waistline. Most of the time, however, these efforts only end up in disappointment and failure. What you probably do not know is that there are certain things that you may do in order to drop the pounds and reach your desired waist size without having to start yourself of slaving it on the floor, doing your crunches. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind as you go about in learning how to reduce waist size. With the following techniques, you should not only be able to get the results that you want within a limited amount of time, but you should also be able to have a great time doing it as you inch your way closer to amazing results.
First and foremost, you have to see to it that you get your hands on the best types of food that should be eaten by people who have the goal of losing inches off of the waist. Stocking up on sprouts, whole grain, fruits, and vegetable will give you the boost that you need in order to make your way to your desired waistline. What these types of food do is that they activate the fat burning properties of your body and target the effect specifically on your tummy area. This means that you will be able to notice a great deal of different on the way that your jeans will fit your waist after a couple of weeks.
You no longer have to starve yourself in order to fit into your skinny jeans. Say goodbye to fad diets and crash diets for you should be filling your tummy with food from now on. Believe it or not, eating in regular intervals during the day is highly advised if you want to lose inches around the waist area. This is something that you will know if you use the right resources as you go about in learning how to reduce waist size. The more you eat, the more your digestive system is forced to work, work, work. Because of this, your body will be using a certain amount of calories in processing your food. Just ensure that you eat just the right kinds of foods, to avoid experiencing adverse results.
As you learn how to reduce waist size, you will discover that the little changes that you do in your everyday life will make a great deal of difference. Fidgeting, for example, will help you lose pounds without exerting too much effort. Walking with a spring in your step and a little more sway on your hips will help you tone your waist area as well. Find out what you can to sneak in exercises to your daily routine, in addition to the hour that you dedicate for your workout everyday. When done right, you should not only be able to tone your hip and waist area, but you should be able to firm up the other parts of your body as well.
For ore information on How To Reduce Waist Size and the free eBook 7 SECRETS OF FASTER & LASTING FAT LOSS & FITNESS, go to

How to Drink to a Slimmer Body

Contemporary research results have portrayed tea as 'a functional food product for the management of weight' (Clinical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2002).
According to a recent report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, two-thirds of adult Australians are overweight or obese and many young children are heading in the same direction. Overweight becomes an issue of both image and health in general and the sufferers are seeking solutions from all sources.
It has been reasonably established that tea is effective in reducing body fat composition by various mechanisms, though generally speaking in two main areas: increasing body fat consumption and reducing fat formation.
Teas can be divided into two main families: conventional tea made of 'Camellia Sinensis' leaves (from green tea to black tea); and herbal teas made from all parts of other plants. Most of the contemporary researches have gone into studying teas made of 'Camellia Sinensis' (green tea, white tea, Oolong tea and black tea etc), although other herbals such as lotus leaf and Gynostemma have also been analysed in the area of obesity treatment.
To combat weight problems, we see many consumers taking up tea drinking. Some achieve much better results than others. Here are a few challenges, but these may be helpful in achieving a lasting result.
Firstly, tea is a beverage, not a medicine. It regulates body fat deposit and oxidisation through its regular consumption. Its effect is moderate, but lasting. The Chinese say 'you cannot drink a cup of hot tea in a hurry', the same principle applies to trying to lose weight though drinking tea. One's body metabolism rate is a balancing act. There are many rapid weight loss programmes currently on the market claiming to produce weight loss almost immediately. Most of them force the body energy consumption expenditure out of balance in such a forceful way that, as soon as the programme is finished, the balance not only bounces right back but is also likely to overshoot, like stretching an elastic band or spring. People often gain back more weight than they lost.
Secondly, tea consumption should be part of a weight management package, but not the single solution. For example, we encourage people to gradually replace their sugar rich beverage with tea; drinking tea without sugar or milk to maximise the benefits in both weight reduction and other aspects; snack healthily, and use all opportunities to remain active. Relying on tea alone but retaining an unhealthy life style is bound to lead to disappointment in terms of weight loss.
Finally, stop worrying about which tea is the most powerful one for weight loss. There are six main categories of Chinese teas, all with weight-reducing effects. There are also herbal blends combining various herbs and teas with different weight-reducing mechanisms to make the recipe more effective than a single tea alone. My advice to people is always to find the tea(s) you enjoy drinking and make it part of your life style. The health benefits of long term tea consumption, including weight reduction, are far greater than using a 'most powerful' tea for just a couple of weeks.
For free samples of our green teas ( ), please Please send a self addressed & stamp ($1.20) attached envelopment indicating what tea(s) you are interested in to: Valley Green Tea, PO Box 78, Oatley 2223, we will send samples out to you.

How to Choose the Best Diet Plan for Women

Choosing a diet plan for women can be tricky. The best diet plan is often hidden amongst the rubbish of all of the false promises and miracle diet plans that never work. You want results when it matters most, but you have to be realistic as well.
No diet plan will give you instant results. When it comes to choosing the best diet plan you have to pick one that has a balanced and nutritious food selection along with the right amount of exercise.
Nuts, grains, healthy fats, Omega 3's, fruits and vegetables are all parts of a healthy diet. You do not have to count every calorie, but you do have to make healthy choices. You can substitute green teas for surgery sodas, and have healthier snacks. The best dietary intake will include all of this, and if it doesn't then it's probably a fraud. The fact is you can't eat what you want, but what you do eat with some creativity can be delicious.
Exercise is movement. When you put your body in motion then you are exercising. A good plan will encourage this. You do not have to go through grueling exercise routines. All you have to do is take the long walk up the stairs, park a few blocks from work, swimming, cycling and walking are all great parts of exercise, as is dancing. You exercise in your daily life everyday just by doing what you do. Don't be fooled by companies trying to get you to buy high-priced equipment or DVD's, because it's not necessary.
The thing is that you have to enjoy what you are doing and it needs to come naturally or you won't stick to it. As for the diet, you have to replace vegetable oils with olive oils and all of your selections need to be made with your diet in mind, but you do not have to exile all of the foods that you love.
Don't be fooled by labels. Everything that says sugar-free is not good for you. Make sure you are opting for leaner meats and reading labels. Water before a meal is a great way to practice portion control. You may have to skip Friday night pizza and wings, but you may find something in the health food isle of your local grocer. You will be surprised at how easy it can be to find the best diet plan for women if you know what the most important aspects of a tangible diet plan truly is so good luck in your search.
Which is the most effective diet plan for women to achieve the desired weight-loss success? Get a lot more information on the best diet plan options available on the market.

Want to Eat What You Want and Yet Lose Weight?

Self-sabotage is a common occurrence in weight loss isn't it? One of my clients confessed to me that her pattern of self-sabotage was emerging again as she was getting closer to her weight loss goal. I commended her for first becoming aware of this pattern, and second, asking for help on how to stop this unconscious behaviour and pattern.
She explained how her thoughts would spiral down to one big thought of DEPRIVATION (she had changed her diet to eating more vegetables and protein). She said, "One part of me wants to be thin, but another part of me feels I deserve it to eat what I want!"
In Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), we call this an Internal Conflict - when two (or more) parts are in conflict. In any context, when a person states that a part of them wants one thing, but another part wants something else, there is a conflict in their beliefs, and therefore in this case, she believes she can be at her ideal weight and she also believes that she deserves to eat what she wants. Could you have both? Yes, but how you represent that belief is up to you. You will agree that this is very common in the diet industry and it is the reason people struggle with their weight. If this inner conflict is not solved, it will keep coming up when they go from one diet to another.
I asked my client to come up with an image or symbol of the part of her that wants to be thin and place it on one of her open palms. She had an image of herself in jeans and a t-shirt, full of confidence and creating conversations freely. I asked her to come up with an image or symbol of the part of her that feels that she deserves to eat what she wants and place it on the other open palm. She had an image of herself in sweat pants feeling sorry for herself.
I asked her, "What is the positive intention of the part that is saying yes to being thin?" She replied, "Confidence! Feeling like I can go up to anyone I want and strike a conversation.This part is about creating new relationships."
"What is the positive intention of the part that is saying no to being thin?" I asked. She replied, " Fulfillment. It is helping me overcome negative emotions like stress and loneliness. This part is all about supporting me, but it is not helping."
After acknowledging and going deeper with the positive intention behind each part, she realized in the end, each part wanted the same thing for her - to make her feel good. I guided her to create a third part that is a combination of the first two, that would fulfill both intentions.
The symbol for her third part was an image of herself running and feeling free. She shared the significance behind her symbol - she had joined a running group and enjoyed the feeling it gave, but gave it up because of her weight. She explained that this part of her will keep her moving toward her goal of healthy eating (that does not mean deprivation), building confidence and letting go any stress. It is that feeling and image that will motivate her and fulfill both intentions.
Zaheen Nanji is a speaker, author and success coach. She has successfully coached clients on weight loss and has recently launched a CD called "Fat to Thin: How to Attract Your Ideal weight". Zaheen is also a co-author on an upcoming book, "Unlock the Power of YOU" where she is the expert author on behavioral weight loss and emotional eating. For more information and to receive a free breakthrough session, please visit her website:

8 Things You Can Do to Get Rid of Obesity

What can you do to get rid of all the body fat? What can really help you lose weight fast? Get your body back in shape? Get your real life back? Let's face it. You have everything in your hands. You have total control to decide how you want to look. You let yourself go and you can get yourself back on track.
Here are a few things that can help you lose all the weight you want:
  1. You have to make a decision and make it clear to yourself. "I want to lose weight". "I will not stop until I get it right". If you still have doubts in your mind then stop. This means you don't believe you have what it takes to lose weight. Once you are sure you can do it then set goals for yourself. It is very important to set realistic goals because you won't lose all the body fat at one go.

  2. Food is not the only thing that makes you gain weight. There are several different factors which you have to take into account when you decide to lose weight. You must focus on every aspect that might somewhat be responsible for you gaining all the weight.

  3. Never. I repeat never cut down immediately on any foods that you are eating that may contain carbohydrates and the likes. Rather reduce the intake instead.

  4. Always stick to the 3 meal a day diet routine. You may need to cut down on the small in between snacks that you usually have. As small as they may be they are most likely responsible for you gaining all the fat. Instead you can replace them with healthier snack or even fruits and vegetable like carrots.

  5. Reduce the intake of fatty oily foods as much as possible.

  6. Be sure to drink fresh fruit juices on a regular basis. It is recommended to drink fresh juices during breakfast to hydrate the body. Although it is not like water but it will give you all the energy you need.

  7. If you stay closer to where you work I suggest you get a bicycle. At least once a week, maybe on Fridays you can use it to go to work. It will help you be spontaneous and at the same time help you lose weight fast.

  8. Change your habits and daily routine. Get a part-time job that is going to require physical activity. Don't do it for the money but just for fun. Something that won't take up much of your time but rather energy. Something that will require you to walk some distance or move around a lot.
The rest is up to you. You can do it if you want or just read more articles that will tell you the same thing over and over again.
Here is a Free report on How To Lose Weight in less than 30 days. Click Here!

Start Off 2013 With A Weight Loss Resolution

One of the most beautiful things about starting a new year is that you have an opportunity to make a New Year's Resolution for whatever goal you want to strive for. This is the one time of the year when it is traditionally expected for you to make a resolution on what you plan to change or do for the new year, so why not put that practice to good use?

These New Year's resolutions vary immensely from person to person, but some of the most popular ones are to quit smoking, exercise more, clean the house, learn a new sport or hobby, oh yeah, and to lose weight.

With that being said, you can use this opportunity to really tackle the process of losing weight and develop a more healthy lifestyle, especially if this is something you have wanted to do for awhile now. This is one of the best times to start a weight loss commitment right at the start of a new year.

Most everyone instinctively feels as though when each new year begins, it's a fresh start. Motivation and desire are at their peak therefore you will be more inclined to follow through with action.

Think of it as the New Year's eve celebration as your final party and your last time to enjoy the choices that might not be considered healthy for your body because starting January 1st, you are prepared to make the necessary changes to improve the health of your body.

Therefore use the New Year's resolution opportunity to make a commitment to yourself to accomplish something in your life that you definitely want to have success with. Being overweight or obese is not healthy for your body, your self-confidence, and your general outlook on life. However in order to be successful changing your weight in a natural, healthy way, a commitment to improve the decisions on numerous choices in your life will have to be tackled.

This New Year's resolution can only be made by you and will only be accomplished when you are truly determined to make an actual difference. Think about all this as December comes to a close and decide for yourself if losing weight is something you truly want to achieve. You will find that your commitment to your resolution will be the deciding factor in how successful you are. Here's the ideal opportunity to make 2013 the beginning of something great. Let the start of a new year be the start of a transition into a healthy lifestyle... one that you may have been longing for awhile now.

Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. From healthy eating guides to a step-by-step manual to help tackle the process of losing weight, readers will find the latest information to combat the rising obesity epidemic and start getting into shape at

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What Is a Good New Year's Resolution? - Finding the Motivation to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

What is the first step one must take to develop a life changing habit? A habit that will transform your physical appearance, instill a solid work ethic, and incorporate into your mind the necessary motivation and confidence to overcome ANY obstacle you encounter. The answer is quite simple... in fact, you will be thrilled to know that you have already taken this crucial first step!

The answer lies in the simple "IDEA" that you have decided you would like to improve your physical appearance. Think of it this way... The person you have become at this very moment, and the habits you have become slave to are a direct result of one thing. The ideas that you have fostered and the actions you have performed as a result of those ideas. This is the beauty of the human mind. You have the power to plant a tiny seed (your idea), apply proper water and sunlight ( finding motivation and performing actions), and allowing your seed to grow and flourish into the tallest, healthiest redwood in the forest ( your own personal universe)!

All successful people have acquired and utilized this knowledge. Imagine the things you could accomplish once you have accepted this theory. The theory that you are the master creator of your own personal universe. Great, so now what? We have laid the foundation to our future simply by realizing that we already possess the power to change everything about ourselves and our environment. Now we need to build on that foundation. This is where things may get a little tricky on you, depending on what pre-conceived notions you have about yourself. DO NOT get discouraged just yet, you still have much to learn about your potential!

The next great quality we must learn to master is self-confidence. With the proper motivation we can accomplish ANYTHING! This is no secret... However, this second step seems to be the hardest for most people simply because they do not stay motivated. When you form an idea that you strongly believe in you get a rush, a natural high if you will. At the moment of your idea you are instantly motivated to transform that idea into a reality. Therefore motivation is not something you need to acquire. Motivation is a quality you that you already possess! The only trick to this is to maintain your motivation. You have to base your life around this idea you had. Constantly remind yourself of your goals and the path will present itself to you.

With proper maintenance of your idea, your motivation will seem endless. Thus allowing you to ACT on your IDEA with CONFIDENCE. This is a fool-proof approach to conquering any goal. This simple knowledge will enable you to create and control your own personal universe. So what are you waiting for? ACT ON IT!

Take the final step NOW!

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Obesity, A Documented Epidemic

Obesity is defined as having a body mass index equal to or greater than 30. This means, for example a 5'4'' individual being 30 lbs overweight is obese.

According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, the 2008 statistics show that more than one third of adults (over 72 million) in the U.S. are obese. And 17% of U.S. children are classified, not as overweight, but as obese also.

The Distribution of Obesity

The CDC tells us that over the past decades, obesity rates have increased. This means that more people are becoming obese faster. The phenomenon has been observed for all societal groups regardless of age, sex, ethnic group, educational level, or geographic region. It doesn't seem to matter how you classify the population, all population classes have increased significantly.

It should be noted that African-Americans were 51%, and Hispanics 21% more likely to be obese than Caucasians. They have also found that 14.6% of children from low-income households, 2-4 years old are obese. 19% of children aged 6-11 years are obese, while 17.4% of those aged 12-19 years were obese.
It is estimated that 80% of the overweight children 10-15 years old will become obese adults by the age of 25. Even at that young age, they will have increased risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

Young people usually have problems with overweight and obesity because of the lifestyle and eating patterns they learn at home.

Obesity's Health Consequences

Obesity leads to a dramatic increase in health costs, physical problems. Some of the diseases or conditions associated with obesity are:

Coronary heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
Endometrial, breast, and colon cancers
High blood pressure
High total cholesterol or High triglyceride levels (fats in the blood)
Liver and gall bladder disease
Sleep apnea and other respiratory problems
Degeneration of cartilage and underlying bone within a joint (osteoarthritis)
Reproductive health complications
The diseases/conditions listed above are in the order that the CDC lists them.

The Economic Impact of Obesity

To give you an idea of the economic impact of obesity on our economy look at the following facts. In 2006, the average obese individual spent $1,400 more in health care than did people who had normal weight. Treatment for obesity related medical problems were estimated in 2008 to be as high as $147 billion.

Health care costs related to obesity among children and adolescents from the years 1979-1981 were $35 million, but by the time period of 1997-1999, it had increased to $127 million.

The CDC states that the causes of obesity in America are numerous and complex because they occur at so many different levels: social, environmental, economic, and personal.

Obese Adults, by State, 2008

In 2008, the latest year the CDC has published figures, Colorado showed itself to be the skinniest state with 15%-19% of the population obese. The figures increase all the way up to Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia weighing in at 30% or more of the population as obese.

You will need to consult a Body Mass Index table to determine your BMI (Body Mass Index).
Get your free 7 Day Mini-course that shows you how to become slim and trim. Don't lose weight, only to gain it back, but lose it for a lifetime at [].

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Overweight And Obese Children: Causes, Results, And What You Can Do To Help

Estimates of the number of children in the United States who are either overweight or obese continue on the rise. This situation is even more alarming in children than it is in adults. There is an increase in the likelihood of complications for the simple reason that the child is obese for a longer period of time than the adult.
Why are so many of our kids overweight? Several factors appear to come into play:

  • low birth weight
  • maternal obesity during pregnancy
  • maternal diabetes during pregnancy
  • smoking during pregnancy
  • limited or poor information about healthy eating
  • peer pressure to indulge in high-calorie, high-fat foods and drinks
  • poor dietary modeling
  • low self-esteem
  • social difficulties

Obese children are prone to physical and emotional complications:

  • poor muscle and bone development
  • sleep disturbances, such as sleep apnea
  • pre-diabetic insulin resistance
  • high cholesterol and triglycerides
  • predisposition to chronic diseases as adults

Of significance is the fact that the longer a child is allowed to remain obese, the greater the likelihood of lifetime obesity. It is crucial that steps be taken as early as possible to intervene in the dietary habits of children.

What You Can Do:
It's not so "simple" however as putting the child on a diet. The child is still growing in terms of physical and neurological development.

One must be careful in interfering with metabolism unless there is a sound scientific foundation underlying all decisions pertaining to the food intake. The physician must be consulted so a plan may be constructed which will help the child to lose weight without compromising health.

While it is essential that "no harm be done", it will not hurt the child to begin a pattern of healthy eating (most likely the entire family will benefit from a new food lifestyle). No harm will come to the child from the following measures:

• three regular meals per day supplemented with healthful midmorning and mid-afternoon snacks (fruit, vegetables, nuts, reduced fat cheese, milk, whole wheat breads and cereals) 

• a meal plate that is one-half fruits and vegetables, one-fourth protein, and one-fourth whole grain pasta or bread. (No second helpings please) 

• elimination of sugar-sweetened beverages of all kind 

• no "multi-tasking" while eating (computer, video, TV, texting).

And, get the child moving... games, sports, walking or any other moderate activity that will burn calories and rev up the metabolism

The first goal in helping the child to lose weight is to stop the gain. If the child doesn't gain one pound, you should look at that as weight loss of a pound.

Seek the assistance of your physician or call the local hospital to inquire about meeting with the dietitian. Ask if the hospital sponsors weight loss seminars.

Help overweight kids lose weight and gain self concept. My e-book will lead you through the way to make it work for you, and your obese child.
by Sue Bristol, R.N.

Here's the "Secret Weight Loss Diet" that virtually EVERY successful dieter uses
(Whether or not they are even aware of it!)

"Click Here" to get your Free e-book, which will give you the "Weight Loss Secret" Kids shouldn't be obese.

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Understanding Overweight and Obesity for Effective Weight Loss

Being overweight or obese are candidate cases for considering weight loss, the main motivation for which is to reduce stress on the heart. Better heart health can help lower the probability of conditions and diseases related to obesity or weighing too much.

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), "overweight and obesity are both labels for ranges of weight that are greater than what is generally considered healthy... " For adults, the body mass index or BMI is used to determine these ranges, as it correlates well with the amount of body fat for most people.

A BMI of between 25 and 29.9 means overweight, while a reading of 30 or more denotes obesity. To put this into perspective, a 5-foot nine adult who weighs 203 pounds or more is obese; if the weight is between 169 and 202 pounds, this person is overweight. Or put simply, obesity means exceedingly overweight.

As BMI does not directly measure body fat, there are exceptions to these prescribed ranges and labels. For example, even though they do not have excess body fat, athletes may have a BMI that identifies them as overweight.

Primary Causes of Overweight and Obesity

Overeating is the main reason for most people being overweight. A small minority are obese due to some endocrine or glandular disorder, erratic metabolism, or an inherited trait that runs in the family. The majority of obesity cases is caused by nervousness and bad eating habits.

Nervousness and Obesity

For a variety of reasons, some people overeat when nervous and they may not even be aware of it. Eating can help relieve anxiety as food provides some sort of satisfaction. As these people get more and more anxious, they eat more and more - this vicious cycle can feed on itself and the result is weight gain.

Constant tension and stress in work or home environments affect some people in that the glands in their nervous and glandular systems constantly drive their blood sugars to low levels. This makes them feel continuously hungry, weak, tired and tense. As eating can momentarily raise blood sugars to normal levels, they regain strength and concentration to finish their tasks. But too much eating takes its toll on their weight.
In other cases, a feeling of failure can lead to overeating. Some people resort to food when they feel depressed or inferior -- somehow they'd find solace in eating. Invariably, this reliance makes them gain too much weight. And not being able to lose these extra pounds quickly can easily turn into another failure to deal with.

Getting Fat from Bad Food Habits

People have all sorts of bad food habits. Many people eat out of boredom. Or sheer habit: having something to go with reading the newspaper or book. Food even enters the lengthy or uneasy business meeting to get it going.

Others try to eat quick meals, frequenting those so-called "minute" diner or lunch counters - they just gulp down their food and race of to their busy schedules. Still, others have been trained from childhood to "finish their plate" so they'd just stuff everything down though they are full.

Yet, many of us are victims of monotony or poor cooking in our meals. We don't vary the selection and choice of foods much, out of sheer inertia, indifference or simply lack of at­tention. Quantity usually makes up for what is lacking in quality - this seeking of satisfaction from calories can only cause weight gain.

Everyone Can Lose Weight

With a better understanding of what can cause a person to become overweight and obese, it becomes easier to tackle the problem alongside the pursuit of weight loss. By consciously avoiding those primary pitfalls, the weight watcher would have conquer half the weight loss battle; the other half has to depend on tried and test ways for losing weight.

Effective methods to lose weight and other weight loss tips can be learned at, an online resource website that emphasizes weight loss that works. Avoid the lure of easy weight loss by understanding why diet pills aren't safe and simply don't work for the long term. Even when you're overweight, stick with methods that lose weight gradually and surely; don't crash and burn.

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What Causes Overweight And Obesity?

If you have recently begun a weight loss program, it will help you to know what the major causes of weight gain and obesity are. While different people may gain weight for different reasons, there are some habits and lifestyles that have the most influence on people becoming overweight. This article provides a guideline to help you avoid those causes.

While many people do not realize it, taking in more calories than you burn will result in weight gain, no matter what other steps you are taking to lose weight. You can exercise all you want, but if you are not successful at burning more calories than you consume, you will gain weight. The best way to address this problem is to buy a calorie guide and follow it closely. Most women of average size require 2000 calories per day, and men should consume about 2500 calories. If you are taking in more than these amounts, you will gain weight. Exercise can help, but it takes a lot of exercise to burn even 100 calories.

You not only need to cut down on calories, but you need to reduce the amount of fat in your diet too. Unless you are doing a lot of strenuous exercise, you will not be able to burn the calories provided by high fat foods. Try to cut down on the destructive influence of fat by avoiding fried foods and rich sauces or cream.

Many people do not realize they are living a more sedentary life than their bodies were designed for. Our modern lifestyle provides little opportunity for exercise, and many temptations for sedentary activities. Spending time on a computer or watching television does not burn many calories. Many people work in an office setting, and most of their hours during the day are spent at a desk where very few calories are required.

There are many conveniences in our modern world, and we are grateful for our automobiles that transport us anywhere we need to be with little effort on our part. Unfortunately, with little need for physical strength, our bodies begin to deteriorate and pack on the pounds. Try walking as much as possible to offset this effect, and help your body become stronger and more fit.

Certain medications can cause weight gain. If you are taking any prescriptions that list possible weight gain as a side effect, ask your doctor if it can be replaced with a drug that does not have that effect.
There are certain people who are more prone to weight gain because of genetics. More often the excess weight is the result of poor eating habits they learned from parents who were also overweight. Our modern society is much more aware of healthy eating habits than previous generations, so this problem is not as pronounced as it once was.

When you know the primary reasons behind obesity and weight problems, you can make necessary changes in your life to make your weight loss permanent. The information in this article will help you find the right path, and give you incentive to stay on it.

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