Top Foods for Weight Loss

Out there are a lot of foods that causes weight loss more than what you think, you just need to know it and then pick it up and enjoy weight loss while you are in normal activities of your day. Here you are some of these foods that you must know.

The first is Leafy Green salad

Kale, spinach and lettuce is the best types of food that makes you lose weight every day. It occupies big space in your stomach and supply you with fibers which is perfect for lose weight as it have very little calories and very much fibers in its structure. Some people suggest eating only this green salad for a period of time will cause fast weight loss but it is little risky as it may cause hypoglycemia to you , which mean low sugar level in your blood, which will effect on you daily activities and make it less.

The second on the list is Apple

Studies suggest that eating apple every day before meals makes you consume less food with high calories and the perfect in apple is that it has good content of Antioxidants which prevent bad syndrome called metabolic syndrome which is recognized with more fat in the belly, for your record it is also called Apple shaped. Some people invented Apple only regimen, which is consisted of eating only apple for 2 weeks for fast weight loss and it succeeded but it is little hard for some people to only eat one type of food for that period of time , others like that.

The third on the list is The Black beans

The secret ingredient is that it has a component called resistant starch which is fat burning carbohydrate .It also contain soluble and insoluble fiber and protein.

All of these are important for making you slim more and more. The word black beans is little hard for some people so some others says only beans , but the most good is black beans .you should try it.

The forth on the list is Oats

It is filling as we all know and gives you protein and energy for the most of the day with low calories inside, so by trial it is good for weight loss . Oat is found in good price and enters in many meals. We should try not to mix it with high calories materials like milk for example as this may cause weight gain rather than weight loss.

The fifth on the list is Peppermint

Drinking it with tea or eating as you like, makes your stomach feels satisfied and not hungry. Some also suggest mint bills that sold in super markets may give you the same effect. Some suggest that drinking three cups of tea every day with peppermint in regular way will make you lose weight. Make it as a habit to you , Drinking tea regularly with mint and don't rush in looking for the effect of it for about 2 month, then look and weight yourself , you will find for sure weight loss.

The sixth on the list is Kelp

It is found to have high levels of iodine which is essential for normal thyroid gland function and normal thyroid hormone secretion which directly regulate metabolism. People with low thyroid level gain weight very fast in few weeks. It also has a lot of minerals which is essential for burning down belly fat and relieves body water retention, It may be pricey for some and other may don't like its taste but it is essentially better than bells and hard regimen.

Make a mix of this food in your day diet and you will lose weight for sure. Thank you for reading my article.

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